On Wed, 22 May 2002, Anthony Souphavanh wrote: > > > Hi everyone, > > I am fairly new to the group here. I am going to work on the KDE > translation for Lao language but would like some pointers as to what I > really need, i.e, character editor, which module to start with, and etc... I can't read/write your language but http://i18n.kde.org/translation-howto/index.html is a good place to start with. I myself prefer using kbabel for translating .po files and the anwser for modules: kdelibs.po, desktop.po, kdelibs must be translated first. Hung vu > > Thanks for any suggestions. > > > Sak S. > > > > +---------------------------------------------------------+ | Nguyen Hung.Vu | | The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan | | Takeshi's small space http://site.techviet.com/vuhung/ | | Join KDE-i18n-Vi? http://vi.i18n.kde.org | | VYSA: http://vysasports.vngate.net/ | | Vietlug http://vietlug.sourceforge.net/ | +---------------------------------------------------------+