> now that I am no longer alone on this, I am going through with this and > would like to announce a new i18n module: i-klingon. I look forward to seeing other usefull languages added to KDE. - Pig Latin - Bork Bork and I'm sure there are some other firm favourites. Just out of interest what ISO language codes are to be used. Should we register these with ISO? We might need to change the localisation module to cater for off-planet languages. -- Kind regards Dwayne Bailey Obsidian Systems dwayne@obsidian.co.za +27-21-448 9265 (work) +27-21-448 9574 (fax) +27-83-443 7114 (cell) "An English-only, or even an English-mainly, policy necessarily condemns most people, and thus the country as a whole, to a permanent state of mediocrity, since people are unable to be spontaneous, creative and self-confident if they cannot use their first language" Dr Neville Alexander - 'Where English can Serve but not Empower.'