On Sat, May 18, 2002 at 10:31:54PM +0300, Claudiu Costin wrote: > This think with klingon lang is about Star Trek. > Isn't this absurd and nonsense? Well, Klingon is an actual language. Although based on a television series, it uses pretty much every aspect of linguistic elements. Syntax, spelling, semantics.. all there. It is no more nonsense than Esperanto, just because it is used by far less people. Check the Klingon language institute (www.kli.org) for more information. Read Shakespeare in the original language, too. ;-) > > The KDE Romanized Klingon Translation Team > ^^^^^^^^^ What mean "romanized"? We're not translating to the glyphs, which are not in Unicode yet. We translate to a representation of Klingon in the roman alphabet. 1) this solves the entire "you're not in Unicode" issue for the time being 2) most Klingn dictionaries use the romanised Or in the words of the Klingon Dictionary itself: "There is a native writing system for Klingon (called pIqaD) which seems to be well suited for the various dialects. This writing system is not yet well understood and is, therefore, not used in this dictionary. Instead, a transcription system based on the English alphabet has been devised." Rob -- Rob Kaper | Gimme some love, gimme some skin, cap@capsi.com | if we ain't got that then we ain't got much www.capsi.com | and we ain't got nothing, nothing! -- "Nothing" by A