On Thursday 28 March 2002 01:12, David Faure wrote: > On Thursday 28 March 2002 01:10, you wrote: > > When you copied Atlantik, Kolf and Megami.. does that automatically w= ork > > for translations or do the templates in kde-i18n also need to be move= d? > > They usually take care of that themselves... the most important part fo= r > them is the name of the .pot file, and that hasn't changed. > Might be a good idea to notify kde-i18n-doc though. cc:ed. > I usually have to (and forget to) move the doc though. Was there any do= c > (e.g. in kdenonbeta/doc) ? No, not for these applications. I started on Atlantik docs, but there are= =20 inside the Atlantik dir for now, I'll move them to kdegames/doc as soon a= s=20 the documentation is any better than a default template. Rob --=20 Rob Kaper | "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a litt= le cap@capsi.com | temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." www.capsi.com | - Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1= 759