On Tue, 30 Oct 2001, Andreas Pour wrote: > First, would it make sense, then, to either switch automatically to the > default KDE menus, or popup a dialog suggesting the user do it and > provide a Yes/No alternative, when the user selects a language not > supported by SuSE's menus? The other applications should still get > picked up if someone builds the app db. We had this in 7.2, but we got bad feedback, since the user must click too much and can not really know where the different is (There were some lines of explaination, but nobody seemed to read it) > Second, as to having multiple pages for selecting languages, I also > don't see how that is necessary. Currently the language control module > has a drop-down list, with a main menu having regisions and the submenu > having particular languages. You could implement this in YOU by having > a multi-select combo box for each region (say combine Europe and the > Americas for Europe, Asia, Africa, Americas and Carriben). If each > combox box has a height of say 3-4 then you can fit them all on one > page. Okay, this could be a solution for comming releases. A class install to install packages could be used in several points in KDE (for example to install the lisa daemon via the kcontrol modul). So we could build something where the distributors can bind to a package via a config file, if it is not installed it can start an application X which downloads/install the package. But this can not be finished until feature freeze of KDE 3, sorry. bye adrian ******************************************************************************** Adrian Schroeter SuSE GmbH, Schanzaeckerstr. 10, 90443 Nuernberg, Germany Email: adrian@suse.de