Hello translators I have uploaded a new version of the i18n web pages based on the replies I got on my last mail. Not all teams have choosen a team coordinator and I have added the translator who did the kdelibs/LANG.po file for these teams as coordinator. Juraj suggested to add the names and email addresses of all active translators to the team list but it would grow far to large and I don't think that it is possible to keep it up to date. IMHO a better solution is to add 3-5 contact adresses (team coordiantors) and a link to the teams web site (if your team has a website) where all translators should be listed. Please send me the names and email adresses of additional coordiantors you would like to see added for your team and the adress of your teams web site. I'm furthermore moving the names of the old i18n contact list (which was badly outdated) to the KDE credits page (http://www.kde.org/credits.html). If you are a translator and can't find your name on the credits page please feel free to drop me a mail and I'll add you. Thanks! Regards, Matthias