WARNING: Please try to use 'kde-i18n-request@fiwi02.wiwi.uni-tuebingen.de' the next time when issuing archive server requests. Unknown command Hi!. This archive server knows the following commands: get filename ... ls directory ... egrep case_insensitive_regular_expression filename ... maxfiles nnn version Aliases for 'get': send, sendme, getme, gimme, retrieve, mail Aliases for 'ls': dir, directory, list, show Aliases for 'egrep': search, grep, fgrep, find Lines starting with a '#' are ignored. Multiple commands per mail are allowed. Setting maxfiles to zero will remove the limit (to protect you against yourself no more than maxfiles files will be returned per request). Egrep supports most common flags. Examples: ls latest get latest/12 egrep some.word latest/*