I remember the discussion a while ago on the network class for libkdegames and that it was decided not to focus on dedicated servers but to keep the current model where the application itself is also the server. I argued in favour of the dedicated server method because I am developing such a game, but now I would like to add my thoughts as a user: After playing a few games I noticed the current model hardly works: you can only play against friends who are on-line. If noone is on-line, I can not play the game - or only against a boring computer. This is one of the reasons why I use the on-line Hearts game on http://vex.net/hearts/hearts.html and not the KDE application. It would be more fun if I could just select a server and see if other KDE users are interested in playing a game at that time. This would make the networking option a lot more valuable. Rob -- Rob Kaper | cap@capsi.com cap@capsi.net cap@capsi.co.uk | http://capsi.com/ - telnet://chat.capsi.com:2300/ | 'What? In riddles?' said Gandalf. 'No! For I was talking aloud | to myself. A habit of the old: they choose the wisest person | present to speak to; the long explanations needed by the young | are wearying.' - "Lord of the Rings", JRR Tolkien _______________________________________________ Kde-games-devel mailing list Kde-games-devel@master.kde.org http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-games-devel