El diumenge, 2 de setembre de 2018, a les 20:28:29 CEST, Alexander Semke va escriure: > Hi, > > in Knights I'd like to add some sounds for moves, checks and mates. How is > this is usually done in KDE games or in KDE applications in general? One option is KNotify, but it's sometimes too high lately so you probably want to have a look at KgSound in libkdegames. > On openSUSE I see couple of notification sound files /usr/share/sounds/KDE-* > and /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/*. I could maybe use some of them but I'm > not sure they are available everywhere. Is there any set of "default sounds > for games"? Not that i know. Cheers, Albert > > Thanks and Regards, > Alexander > > >