Am 24.08.2017 um 01:22 schrieb Luigi Toscano: > Hi Christian, > > I added a comment to the the last "port away from KDELibs4Support" review, but > if that it's solved, I will approve the patch. > > That said, I see a bug (or more bugs, but most likely connected) related to > the status of the game. > If you start playing and then switch to another puzzle, the other puzzle will > be partially solved, more or less with the same amount of pieces solved in the > first one (or the same proportion of pieces compared to the total). > If you complete a puzzle, even if the games asks to restart it, it is never > restarted and the games continues to ask if you want to restar it.; if you > switch to other puzzles, they are complete as well. > > Do you see these as well? Could you please take a look? This was a porting error with QStandardPaths::locate(). It returns an empty QString when the file is not found. I fixed it and created a request. Sorry, Christian