------=_Part_268178_1354142234.1342016277323 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_Part_268180_626218788.1342016277323" ------=_Part_268180_626218788.1342016277323 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=GBK Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit hi first, thanks a lot for this magic logic game work. problems I've found some picmi codes have to be modified so that I can build picmi in kde 4.9 currently. (patch attached) fullscreen sometimes does not work properly through clicking the menu entry the widget layout of configuration dialog seems to be hardcoded, which makes troubles in different widget style(some widgets overlapped with each other) there is no toolbar in picmi, so the "configure toolbars" menu entry is useless in level selection dialog, all level names displays as "???" regards, nihui At 2012-07-11 17:18:37,"Jakob Gruber" wrote: >Hi all, > >as you might have heard, I'd like to submit Picmi for inclusion into >kdegames. I've gone through the application lifecycle rules, and apart >from some krazy2 issues [1] (mostly false positives AFAIK) they should >all be satisfied. > >The most significant new feature is 51 preset puzzles which actually >turn into recognizable images once solved. Many of them are quite >difficult and should keep players busy for a couple of evenings. Save >states have also been added as some of the more challenging puzzles >can require trial and error methods. As always, random puzzles are >still included. > >Before I apply for transferring to KDE Review, I'd like to ask you for >your feedback. Please check out the code, try out the game, let me >know if there are any issues and I will do my best to resolve them. >But most importantly, please give me your opinions on if you're having >fun, and if you personally think Picmi would fit well into the current >kdegames roster (or not). > >Albert has also mentioned the fear of disappearing maintainers. I >can't do much more than assert once again that I have every intention >of sticking around. I've been (re)writing Picmi since over two years >(github.com/schuay/picmi) and I won't vanish when bug reports start >popping up. > >Thanks in advance for your time, >Jakob > >PS: git clone git://anongit.kde.org/picmi && cd picmi && make && build/src/picmi >PPS: You will need to 'make install' to see the save state menu entries. > >[1] http://www.englishbreakfastnetwork.org/krazy/reports/playground/games/picmi/index.html >_______________________________________________ >kde-games-devel mailing list >kde-games-devel@kde.org >https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-games-devel ------=_Part_268180_626218788.1342016277323 Content-Type: text/html; charset=GBK Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
first, thanks a lot for this magic logic game work.

problems I've found
some picmi codes have to be modified so that I can build picmi in kde 4.9 currently. (patch attached)
fullscreen sometimes does not work properly through clicking the menu entry
the widget layout of configuration dialog seems to be hardcoded, which makes troubles in different widget style(some widgets overlapped with each other)
there is no toolbar in picmi, so the "configure toolbars" menu entry is useless
in level selection dialog, all level names displays as "???"


At 2012-07-11 17:18:37,"Jakob Gruber" <jakob.gruber@gmail.com> wrote: >Hi all, > >as you might have heard, I'd like to submit Picmi for inclusion into >kdegames. I've gone through the application lifecycle rules, and apart >from some krazy2 issues [1] (mostly false positives AFAIK) they should >all be satisfied. > >The most significant new feature is 51 preset puzzles which actually >turn into recognizable images once solved. Many of them are quite >difficult and should keep players busy for a couple of evenings. Save >states have also been added as some of the more challenging puzzles >can require trial and error methods. As always, random puzzles are >still included. > >Before I apply for transferring to KDE Review, I'd like to ask you for >your feedback. Please check out the code, try out the game, let me >know if there are any issues and I will do my best to resolve them. >But most importantly, please give me your opinions on if you're having >fun, and if you personally think Picmi would fit well into the current >kdegames roster (or not). > >Albert has also mentioned the fear of disappearing maintainers. I >can't do much more than assert once again that I have every intention >of sticking around. I've been (re)writing Picmi since over two years >(github.com/schuay/picmi) and I won't vanish when bug reports start >popping up. > >Thanks in advance for your time, >Jakob > >PS: git clone git://anongit.kde.org/picmi && cd picmi && make && build/src/picmi >PPS: You will need to 'make install' to see the save state menu entries. > >[1] http://www.englishbreakfastnetwork.org/krazy/reports/playground/games/picmi/index.html >_______________________________________________ >kde-games-devel mailing list >kde-games-devel@kde.org >https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-games-devel
------=_Part_268180_626218788.1342016277323-- ------=_Part_268178_1354142234.1342016277323 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="picmi.diff" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="picmi.diff" ZGlmZiAtLWdpdCBhL0NNYWtlTGlzdHMudHh0IGIvQ01ha2VMaXN0cy50eHQKaW5kZXggZDlmMWEx OC4uZjRjOTlmNCAxMDA2NDQKLS0tIGEvQ01ha2VMaXN0cy50eHQKKysrIGIvQ01ha2VMaXN0cy50 eHQKQEAgLTEwLDcgKzEwLDcgQEAgc2V0KFFUX1VTRV9RVFhNTCBUUlVFKQogCiBmaW5kX3BhY2th Z2UoUXQ0IFJFUVVJUkVEKQogZmluZF9wYWNrYWdlKEtERTQgUkVRVUlSRUQpCi1maW5kX3BhY2th Z2UoTGliS0RFR2FtZXMgUkVRVUlSRUQpCitmaW5kX3BhY2thZ2UoS0RFR2FtZXMgUkVRVUlSRUQp CiAKIGFkZF9zdWJkaXJlY3RvcnkodGhlbWVzKQogYWRkX3N1YmRpcmVjdG9yeShpY29ucykKZGlm ZiAtLWdpdCBhL3NyYy9ndWkvbWFpbndpbmRvdy5oIGIvc3JjL2d1aS9tYWlud2luZG93LmgKaW5k ZXggNmMzZjYyNi4uOGI4YmRjNCAxMDA2NDQKLS0tIGEvc3JjL2d1aS9tYWlud2luZG93LmgKKysr IGIvc3JjL2d1aS9tYWlud2luZG93LmgKQEAgLTI1LDEzICsyNSwxNCBAQAogI2luY2x1ZGUgPGt0 b2dnbGVhY3Rpb24uaD4KICNpbmNsdWRlIDxreG1sZ3Vpd2luZG93Lmg+CiAKKyNpbmNsdWRlICJj b25maWcuaCIKKwogI2lmZGVmIEhBVkVfS0dESUZGSUNVTFRZCiAjaW5jbHVkZSA8a2dkaWZmaWN1 bHR5Lmg+CiAjZWxzZQogI2luY2x1ZGUgPGtnYW1lZGlmZmljdWx0eS5oPgogI2VuZGlmCiAKLSNp bmNsdWRlICJjb25maWcuaCIKICNpbmNsdWRlICJzY2VuZS5oIgogI2luY2x1ZGUgInNyYy9sb2dp Yy9waWNtaS5oIgogI2luY2x1ZGUgInZpZXcuaCIKZGlmZiAtLWdpdCBhL3NyYy9zZXR0aW5ncy5o IGIvc3JjL3NldHRpbmdzLmgKaW5kZXggYzEzNzMzZi4uMWE3ODNhMyAxMDA2NDQKLS0tIGEvc3Jj L3NldHRpbmdzLmgKKysrIGIvc3JjL3NldHRpbmdzLmgKQEAgLTIzLDE0ICsyMywxNCBAQAogI2lu Y2x1ZGUgPFFWZWN0b3I+CiAjaW5jbHVkZSA8bWVtb3J5PgogCisjaW5jbHVkZSAiY29uZmlnLmgi CisKICNpZmRlZiBIQVZFX0tHRElGRklDVUxUWQogI2luY2x1ZGUgPGtnZGlmZmljdWx0eS5oPgog I2Vsc2UKICNpbmNsdWRlIDxrZ2FtZWRpZmZpY3VsdHkuaD4KICNlbmRpZgogCi0jaW5jbHVkZSAi Y29uZmlnLmgiCi0KIGNsYXNzIFNldHRpbmdzCiB7CiBwdWJsaWM6Cg== ------=_Part_268178_1354142234.1342016277323 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline _______________________________________________ kde-games-devel mailing list kde-games-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-games-devel ------=_Part_268178_1354142234.1342016277323--