Why not get heard?
Today I installed kubuntu in a startup company.
The first thing they asked me was about office and the next was games.

I feel gaming is as equally important as any desktop app. Gamers work to give relief to others from work.

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 7:15 PM, Eugene Trounev <eugene.trounev@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear KDEGames,

As you all know the deadline for submition our aKademy talk is drawing near.
Therefore it is time we ask ourselver whether we want to be heard this year,
or not. Please submit your opinions, and suggestions.
We still have time but do hurry up.

Thank you for your attention.
kde-games-devel mailing list

Srikrishna Das
(krish at irc.freenode.net)
kde-games-devel mailing list