> "looking a bit manually at frame rates" == ? .. > > and what sort of frame rates were you getting? the java version looks > really poor next to the qt one as far as painting goes, but that's probably > because, as you noted, it's painting everything over and over again. I was also surprised by these findings. But I suspect that maybe my Java (1.6) does some hardware accelleration by itself whilst my KDE does not. On my computer the Java version looks absolutely identical to the KDE version. About the frames: I easly get frame rates of 50 FPS with the Java version (the program limits them to max 50 fps) whilst I have problems getting 20 with KDE/Qt. This is even more noticable with KWin4 when reflections (reflections theme) are switched on, that is, it needs to repaint a large portion of the screen. Then it drops to a handfull of frames per second. From your post, I actually suspect that maybe your Java does not HW accelerate whilst your Qt does - so the other way round than mine(?) In case you are really interested(?) I made you a version which prints the FPS debug information on screen http://www.heni-online.de/java/lskatplaydebug.html However, as stated before: I dont think this example should be overrated as it was just a quick hack in a couple of days with no intention on graphics analysis On the other hand I thought if it looks cool, why not put it online and use it as a teaser for our KDE games (ala use kdegames, there is more of such games...) Btw this post should not be any evaluation of "Java versus C++". ;-) So please nobody comment on this. Both have advantages and disadvantages (e.g. look on the Java memory usage...) _______________________________________________ kde-games-devel mailing list kde-games-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-games-devel