I commited some fixes for the kwin4 and lskat issues raised on the list. Maybe someone can test them - not that I seriously bugged them... > > KWin4: > > * slow animation (cpu heavy), The game now tries to figure out a the maximum framerate the computer can handle and adjust itselft to this (takes some seconds to get an average). Of course with lower framerate the animation gets more jumpy. However, if you are just a bit too slow this seems to help as the CPU load is decreased. I dont think we can do anything else here. KWin4 animates all pieces (42 sprites) in the intro. This is more than Qt/QGVcan handle (on X11?) [btw I would like to see this on Windows, whether the performance is better there - anyone has a windows version yet?]. We optimized the QGV stuff so much here on the list that I think we have to generally face the fact that QGV is not really suitable for games. I think it is too powerful and thus too slow with all the transformations, event handling, etc. it offers. I also sped up John's reflections a bit. But although looking super cool I fear they are only useful on very fast computers. > > * game view isn't centered The views in kwin4 and lskat are centered now. I am personally not sure that this looks better but it fits in the theme of the other games now. Here btw I noticed that you can rotate and shear a QGraphicsView but you cannot translate it if the scene is smaller than the view, that is has no scroll bars. Qt alwas cancels the translates() [by setting the leftIndent] and left aligns it (which probably/maybe makes sense because otherwise the background would be moved too) _______________________________________________ kde-games-devel mailing list kde-games-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-games-devel