Johann Ollivier Lapeyre schrieb: > I'm thinking too that it could be nice to merge klickety and ksame > (based on the ksame code). > > For configuration options, we should ty to avoid them as possible, > nobody want to go to the config dialog before to play (and almost > nobody do). I'd prefer to see levels as kmines. > On kmines, higher the level is, higher the board size is and higher > the mine/free ratio is too. > Another idea would be to use a list of different types of game play and the application will handle the configuration automatically base on what type of game play the user selects (KSame rules, Klickety rules, etc.). Default should be the KSame game play and if the user selects the Klickety style everything will be adjusted when the user starts a new game. All the best, Alex _______________________________________________ kde-games-devel mailing list