> Not if you want KDE card games to be able to load your card decks. O.K. That means write a IO slave uses nothing because the card games needs "normal" files and can't load files over a IO slave. Right? > If you want all the KDE card games, both in and out of KDE CVS, to be able > to load the new decks, you have to have the decks in the same PNG format > and file layout the existing decks are in. O.K. That means there are only two ways: 1) Convert the REKO cardset to png files. 2) Rewrite kcarddialog and the games. Maybe the following function which returns the path to a card directory with png files can return instead a list or a array of QImage (or QPixmap?) objects with the card images. /** * @return The chosen card directory */ const QString& cardDir() const; That means replacing the above function by the following function or add a new function like the following: QImage[] cardImages(); That means the card dialog can use the png files and also other formats like the REKO formats. But unfortunally that means also that functions have to be add to the games to using this advanced dialog. > Unless the new decks are in the same format and file layout, we can't ship > them with KDE. I don't want to ship REKO cardsets with KDE. I only want to ship KDE card game programs which can uses the many existing REKO cardsets. _______________________________________________ kde-games-devel mailing list kde-games-devel@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-games-devel