Hi! Some time ago, you posted a problem with delayed key-input-handling on kde-games-devel. At that time I didn't have this problem with my game, but now I'm sometimes experiencing it, and I'd be very interested to know, whether you solved the problem somehow. I might add a couple of observations I have made about the problem, which kind of make it seem to me, that this is a sort of bug in QCanvas, but possibly, somebody else has a better understanding of QCanvas' workings and can figure out the real causes. - First of all, the slowdown is not limited to key-handling. Rather, the entire GUI is becoming unresponsive for me, some other timer-events (within the actual game) obviously don't get called as often as they should. - The problem is not 100% reproducible. On my fast machine, I've been seeing it occasionally, without any clear patterns, on my slow machine (also with less mem) it's a little more predictable + often. - The problem seems to come in very suddenly. On my fast machine, I'm typically seeing some 0.9 - 4% CPU-usage for my game, so you would think there is a lot of resources left, still, there are those sudden slowdowns. - When slowdown occurs, it always follows the addition / creation of new sprites, but it seems like a single sprite can make the difference from smooth 100 fps at hardly any CPU-usage to sluggish jerkiness. - On my slow machine (where it is easier to see any patterns), the number of sprites does not seem to influence the slowdown too much. Rather size of sprites and complexity of animations (number of frames, not frame-rate) seem to be related to the problem. So far my observations. All this really doesn't make much sense to me. I've checked my code about a hundred times for strange things that might be going on inside, but other than a couple of memory leaks (fixing those did not affect the problem) I didnt' find anything. Hopefully somebody can make some sense of this. Thomas _______________________________________________ kde-games-devel mailing list kde-games-devel@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-games-devel