From kde-games-devel Mon Sep 24 08:44:22 2001 From: Martin Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 08:44:22 +0000 To: kde-games-devel Subject: [Kde-games-devel] Announce: libkdegames/KGame-alpha 1 X-MARC-Message: Announcement: libkdegames/KGame-alpha 1 As Andi is a bit busy with an exam he asked me to announce the first realse version of the kgame library: ----------- KGame is part of the kdegames library and provides support for the design of network aware KDE games. It includes most features which you need for the game logic and the game flow of desktop games, including transperent network games, computer players, load and save support. You can check it out of the KDE CVS from kdegames/libkdegames. The this version is tagged as KGAME_ALPHA_1 and you can find a kdoc'ed documentation on Feature list: - Easy to use network options. All games will be network aware without programming much network and certainly without needing to know about sockets, TCP etc. - chat widgets dialogs, predefined network and game configuration dialogs available - load/save of your game with about one line of code. You can use the load/game mechanism even if you don't intend to write a network game. - Game flow logic, nextPlayer, gameOver, ... available Suitabel for tunr based and not turn based games - Game variables bases on property system. It even allows runtime inspection of the game properties in a separate window - Flexible and easy exchangable input modules, e.g. keyboard or mouse (others like joysticks, ... can be added later) - Object orientated game design: Game - Player - I/O - Very easy to program computer player either direct or even in a separate process without you needing to know about processes or interprocess communication - Computer players can be replaced by network players or vice versa even in a running game Example: Check out kdegames/kwin4 for a example program. It is neither super nicely coded nor fully working at the moment. But I suppose you will get the idea. Main thing you should focus upon is the creation of new players and the KGameProperty usage. Especially in connection with the automatic widget update which is performed upon property change. The game uses the property mode "Dirty" which is the easiest to use one and should work in most cases. The ease of use of the network option you'll see by nearly NO network code at all! Remark: If you want to use the library please contact Andi or me so that we can update you on important changes and you can give us feedback, too. If you want to contribute or help us conding and designing also feel free to contact us as we are both a bit short of time at the moment. Martin & Andi _______________________________________________ Kde-games-devel mailing list