Christian Boos writes: > Olivier Galibert writes: > > I eventually wrote the "if the widget drawing object is not found for > > the current style, default to motif". Now, when you implement a > > That was my choice too. > > > style, you only implement a delta from motif. This allowed me to > > remove a lot of copypasted code from platinum and next, and the lcd > > number miraculously appeared in next style. > > Good. But I'm also working on the styles right now. I expect to commit > them today... Well, today is nearly past, and the changes turn so big I haven't commited now... For rcsmerge's sake, here is a summary of what's going on: - A new file 'h_themes', basically implementing the GUIStyle class (Qt compatibel, of course), and the (templatized) style_implementation. - Each and every 'themeable' widget (including QWidget) uses a theme registration map: template class theme_map : public map*> { public: theme_map () {} }; The QWidget uses a content_theme map. - The QFrame widget includes in addition a frame_theme map. - the various style files (motif, next, windows, platinum, am_i_missing_smthg?) will be updated to accomodate the above changes (we can avoid now all the static_casts, and the className() use of course). I would like to rename the h_motif, h_next, etc, so one could rapidly figure what is an harmony extension file... - the qapplication is not concerned with themes anymore except for setting the global style (for the whole client). This cascades the changes in all the widgets (I implemented setMainWidget btw). I expect to commit the changes tomorrow afternoon... -- Christian