Hi, I was asked to write about the starting (long) list of SPDX header conversion review requests and how deeply to review them. Here is my opinion -- and please feel free to take even a complete different opinion ;) -- about this: I am using a mostly automated conversion tooling for doing the conversion. But as for any other tooling, there are and will be errors; either by me tagging a license header with the wrong SPDX expression or a simple programming mistake. Thus, I would like to see the first couple of reviews as beta-test candidates and would be very happy about an intense review (I review everything by myself, but by myself it is always hard to spot my errors). Any finding will result in a new test case and thus will make the conversion tooling more stable, like the remark in the KArchive conversion that some original license statements are ambiguous and have to be clarified with the authors. Thus one might relax more with later reviews, but that is a very personal choice. Cheers, Andreas