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Three things:
- what projects are using it?  I guess KWin is one; any others?
- it needs to set the DESCRIPTION and URL package properties (from FeatureSummary)
- I've been aiming to create imported targets in new find modules, because they're easier to use (see FindSharedMimeInfo.cmake for an example, or the modules in kimageformats for better examples).

- Alex Merry

On February 24th, 2014, 1:08 p.m. UTC, Martin Gräßlin wrote:

Review request for KDE Frameworks and Alex Merry.
By Martin Gräßlin.

Updated Feb. 24, 2014, 1:08 p.m.

Repository: extra-cmake-modules


Add a FindEgl module

This module finds the egl library through pkg-config.


Adjusted KWin to find egl through this cmake module. Picks up egl, compiles and links.


  • find-modules/FindEgl.cmake (PRE-CREATION)

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