Robby Stephenson wrote: > Hi, > > I had a few more questions about integrating Tellico into the Extragear > world. I really appreciate all the help I've been getting figuring out the > KDE SVN involvement, along with all the new translation work. It's been > really exciting for me to see all that. Welcome aboard :). > * What do I need to do to get some info on the extragear website, notably > I'm guessing there's something in the > KDE SVN tree somewhere that I need to edit, but I didn't want to go poking > around too much. Check out /trunk/www/areas/extragear/ IIRC you need some privileges added to your SVN account to be able to edit those files. > * is there a process for announcing new releases? I plan to make releases > separate from the main KDE releases. I wasn't sure if there was anything in > particular to being extragear that I needed to be aware of. You can have the release team package things for you along- side KDE releases, or make your own releases. Here's the checklist I use for the latter, i.e. when I make Konversa- tion and Yakuake releases: x select translations x adjust codebase for release x generate tarball x do build tests x tag x adjust codebase for next dev cycle x add new version in bugzilla x upload tarball to berlios x news entry at berlios x news entry at sourceforge x update website x update extragear website app info x update kde-apps entry x mail kde-announce-apps & konversation-devel x update irc channel topic n update wikipedia en & de n update freshmeat nnn update screenshots (website, kde-apps, freshmeat) n update ohloh (app icon/logo) (x = done; n = not applicable this time around) The specific example is for Konversation 1.2-alpha4, the most recent release I did. I do the "select translations" step with a self-written script that gets all the available translations for an Extragear app from IRC and can then tell me which langs have translations available at all or not, and which meet a specified percentage of coverage. It can also run a few tests, although the need for those should be elimi- nated these days with the pre-commit hooks in the SVN server performing tests as well and rejecting faulty translation commits (afaik). I usually ship all translations with have 65% complete- ness or higher. For the "add new version in bugzilla" step your Bug- zilla account will need to have privileges to edit products added. I use kdesdk's create_tarball.rb script for the "ge- nerate tarball" step. This is also what the release team uses. (The old similar "svn2dist" bash script we had in the KDE 3 times was a bit niftier in that you could hand it a list of translation languages to omit in genera- ting the tarball, so I could basically hand it the output of my aforementioned script, the list of langs with no or insufficient translations. With the new script, create_tarball.rb, you need to do that by hand / a second self-written script.) > * is there a policy on tagging and branching that I should read? If I do a > beta or pre-release, should I tag and where should I tag? I also need help > figuring out that stable tag for extragear. I read back through the mailing > list and I couldn't quite figure out what the stable tag implied. I tag any Yakuake and Konversation releases - alphas, betas, RCs - in /tags/appname, e.g.: Yakuake and Konversation so far have made releases exclusively from trunk. Other Extragear apps make use of a stable branch in /branches/stable/. Basi- cally, if you make an 1.0 release and start deve- loping your radical new 2.0 in trunk it's probably useful to have a stable branch to make a 1.0.1 from. I've so far ignored the stable tag and no one has ever complained. > * I'm guessing it's a big help for the translators to know about upcoming > string freezes and releases, right? If I email kde-i18n-doc, that's > sufficient? Yes, you need to announce your string freeze and up- coming release dates to kde-i18n-doc. Give them two weeks before a release at least, or more depending on the number of new/changed strings. However you should also update this table on the Techbase wiki: > Thanks! > Robby -- Regards, Eike Hein, _______________________________________________ Kde-extra-gear mailing list