On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 6:32 PM, Andreas Cord-Landwehr <cordlandwehr@kde.org> wrote:

Hi all, Nicolas is currently doing the awesome job to create SVN to Git conversion rules for our website repository. While doing so, he discovered some "data" that probably should be put to more appropriate locations and not to the website Git (also to reduce its size):



See: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/www/sites/edu/presentations/

In general these files can be parted into two groups:

a) KDE Edu promo presentations

b) KDE Edu internal plans presentations

The second group seems for me to be a good candidate to be put into the community wiki next to the meeting notes. For the first group, I am not sure whether there exists something like a shared slide pool for KDE Promo. Any suggestions where to put them?

My slides are in my blog - wich is bad because we actually don't have a standard wiki. we have the userbase, the techbase, some random wikis around. It could be good to put everything related to use on the userbase. 


Course Data/Application Data:

See: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/www/sites/edu/contrib/

These are mostly data files either already provided by files.kde.org (and hence by the KDE mirror network) or good candidates to be provided by files.kde.org.

Nevertheless, they surely should stay in a version control system since they are important contributions. I would suggest to create the following repositories to organize these files. From there the files for files.kde.org can be generated:


* kig-data

- everything currently in folder kig

* kturtle-data

- everything currently in folder kturtle

* kvtml-data

- everything currently in folders kvtml and kvtml2

* kdeedu-data-tools

- all scripts that are used to package and put the data to files.kde.org

- tools to create websites with overview information


Folders where I am completely unsure about what to do with:

* flags

- are they used anywhere at the website/what is their use case?

* sounds

- is this simply a copy from e.g. khangman and could be removed from the



It would be great if some of the "longer in KDE Edu than me" people could comment to this and shed some light on the files about that I do not have any idea :)




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