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Review request for KDE Edu and David Narváez.
By Vadim Zhukov.

Updated Aug. 6, 2013, 4:26 p.m.


Polish FindBoostPython.cmake from CMake's point of view:
 * Use BoostPython_ prefix instead of BOOST_PYTHON_
   (BOOSTPYTHON_ is also acceptable but is unreadable);

 * Remove extra call to find_package(BoostPython);

 * Replace macro_optional_find_package() with simple find_package(),
   CMake has CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_Foo feature for a while.

This is a first patch of a bigger set, containing only minor fixes.


OpenBSD-CURRENT, CMake 2.8.11, KDE 4.10.4, Boost 1.53, Python 3.3 and 2.7.
Bugs: 320807


  • CMakeLists.txt (3c3da29)
  • KigConfigureChecks.cmake (fed38b3)
  • cmake/modules/FindBoostPython.cmake (d6c5a34)

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