Hi, Thanks for being interested in KLogoTurtle. At first, I would suggest that you subscribe to one of the 2 KDE-Edu mailing lists, there is little traffic but it's a nice way to let kde-edu developers know what's going on. http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-edu-devel For translations of GUI (menus and strings on the program) and of doc, you should contact the i18n Dutch team coordinator (name is on http://i18n.kde.org but it's down at the moment). Tell him that you have an expertise in LOGO so you would like to be in charge of KLogoTurtle. He'll guide you on what to do. The doc is not online at the moment, I guess I'll put it in kdenonbeta/doc/klogoturtle. (Euclides, do you have some doc in docbook format or I can start it based on your sourceforge website if you don't have enough time) For the LOGO commands in Dutch, Euclides will give you directions I suppose, maybe you could send him the english command and the related Dutch one. In the very near future, if I am not mistaken, the KDE websites will be available for translatiions so maybe you will want to do some Dutch translation for KDE-Edu. Maybe you also could translate the introduction to LOGO you have in English so we could add it on the webpage. Any material will be nice, just send it to me so I can include it. A last idea: you could also make a short memo of the commands that are missing at the moment and post it to the mailing-list so we could implement them. I hope this is not too much information, you know how women are chatty ;-) Please feel free to ask anything if you want more details, we'll be happy to answer you. Thank you for your interest and contribution, Anne-Marie aka annma >From: Cies Pettenflat >To: euclideschuma@yahoo.com.br, annma@kde.org >Subject: Cool, i started programming on a Dutch edition of LOGO >Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 08:54:36 -0700 (PDT) > >And i would be pleased if I could translate it all to >Dutch (commands, documtation and prog i8l). > >-wait- > >I've just run to get the book that my dad used to >learn my LOGO. The book dicribes a version of Dutch >LOGO by Phillips for the MSX (some old not-yet-8068 >thing like Commodore 64). It comes with a nice intro >and index. > >Damn, this is some nostalgic feeling i'm getting here >;-) > >Although I started programming early, I never got to >the level of a C++ developer. I guess if the >FS-community was big in my early days, I might have >went to C. Instead I went programming BASIC. > >Maybe this project can even get me started a bit with >C++. > >Please reply to: cies@showroommama.nl > >Thanks for reading, >regards, >Cies. > >__________________________________ >Do you Yahoo!? >Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software >http://sitebuilder.yahoo.com _________________________________________________________________ Get Hotmail on your mobile phone http://www.msn.co.uk/msnmobile _______________________________________________ kde-edu-devel mailing list kde-edu-devel@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-edu-devel