Hi Dominique, dominique devriese inspired the electrons to say: > Op dinsdag 30 april 2002 10:18, schreef Christian Parpart: [...snip....] > Hi, > this looks really cool (i've only checked out the screenshots yet, but i'm > going to check out your code soon..) > It seems to me like a very valuable addition to KDE-Edu, which would make > it more useful to older children (i mean children at the end of high > school) as well. > In my school, we use two programs in math class: > Cabri, which is a mathematic figure drawing program ("interactive > geometry") which my prog Kig (currently in kdenonbeta) aims to be a > replacement for, and Derive, which does what your prog does (+ some more > things (integrating funcs etc.)). And exactly that's what I want. Tell me what derive is doing and what you're missing here. So I'm going to implement it as soon as the time is much :) I unfortunately can't image what you mean with "interactive". Tell it me. BTW: KMathCenter supports functions like IF() and self recursions wich make it even possible to calculate or plot the signum function, abs etc. > If both programs continue to improve, KDE could provide free and better > alternatives for both: hoorah ! > have fun > domi Thanks Christian Parpart http://www.surakware.net _______________________________________________ kde-edu-devel mailing list kde-edu-devel@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-edu-devel