-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi Eva, On Sunday 02 December 2001 2:32 pm, Eva Brucherseifer wrote: > KVoctrain > - there are country names used instead of language names, i.e. Germany > instead of german > - I can only "Germany" and no other languages - why? > - bug in application saving. If I quit the app without having saved the > doc, a file dialog appears for saving, but the dialog doesn't accept or > reject (ok, cancel-buttons). I had to kill the app. > > KLatin > - startup screen is on fullscreen - why?, even kpanel is gone (my screen is > 1024x...) > - nothing happens after I pressed a key, I had to kill the app. > KEduca > - idea is great! > - layout problem in document info, language. why country? (same problem as > KVoctrain, but at least all countries are available) > - GUI is difficult to understand: > What is the difference between the open button in the main window and the > one in "Keduca" > Why is there a Main Window? Why not all in one? > Is there a "query mode"? - how do I get it? > Opening a file in the main window doesn't change anything > - no documentation > > KGeo > - selection of a button is not persistent. So if I want to insert 3 points, > I always have to select the "point insertion" mode for each point. > Ktouch > - other languages? > - selection of start level and then automatic level change not possible > > KHangman > - administration of words (saving of words, editor) would be a good > addition - font is _very_ big - why not configurable? > KMessedwords > - can you provide a tip? Something like... the first letter is... or a > re-ordering with the correct first or last letter? > > KLettres > - How is the feedback if something is wrong or right? Would you mind filing bug reports for each of the above items (the rest that I've not included should be resolved). You can do this quicly by just composing a mail to submit@bugs.kde.org (give it a descriptive subject) with the following body: Package: Many thanks :) - -- Cheers, Chris Howells -- chris@chrishowells.co.uk, howells@kde.org Web: http://chrishowells.co.uk, PGP key: http://chrishowells.co.uk/pgp.txt KDE: http://www.koffice.org, http://edu.kde.org, http://usability.kde.org -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE8IJ9kF8Iu1zN5WiwRAk0JAJ9p8isK0bBAHj5hkgGqSCozapXf2QCdFTRE tVc2N3+QROJq8xy9iNcX5Tw= =SIt3 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- _______________________________________________ kde-edu-devel mailing list kde-edu-devel@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-edu-devel