With the email I would like to announce Kalzium 0.2. It is very much
like "Table" and will hopefully mature in the future!
What it does:
Kalziums shows the the periodic system of the elements (PSE).
By clicking on an element you will get different types of information.
You can switch between the very latest version (118 elements) and
the PSE of V. Mendelejew.
What it will do in the future:
- More information about the PSE in general and the elements themselves.
- Adding a timeframe (the user can give Kalzium a date and Kalzium
fades out all elements unknown at the given time)
- Make Kalzium being more flexible in terms of colours, look...
- Chemical calculation
- and so on ;)
I think I have some promising ideas, nontheless your ideas are welcome, too.
The URL is http://www.cip.biologie.uni-osnabrueck.de/niehaus/linux/kalzium.php.
I hope to get some feedback,