--------------Boundary-00=_6KBJUJIXXU1PUX33R1U4 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hi, in the attached file you'll find some ideas for applications for schools we can make. I also talked to my parents about that. They are teachers and my father is principal of a school. Unfortunately my father has similar arguments as Kristian cited. The other problem is, that he already knows Windows and hasn't the time to learn linux since he is the only one doing the system administratioin at his school. At the moment they are using Windows 2000 - but I am working on that ;-). But he wants to support us by giving ideas. I asked him about commercial software they are using. They have Mediator 6.0 at the school, but he said, that it is quite complex to use. They also have several programs by publishers of school books. The disadvantage with these is, that they are totally fixed to the content of the school books and don't give the freedom to teachers to change to content so that it fits to the pupils knowledge. Also on Windows there is not very much software that supports teachers to easily prepare material for lessons. Many teachers have a lot of material at home, so it would be great if they can use this material and share it with other teachers. Also we don't have the ressources to set up apps with huge knowledge databases, so why not getting the open source idea in there. My father suggested a napster-like system. When developing apps we have to bear in mind, that many schools are not equiped with good computers yet and that the computer room is not always accessable. So an app for e.g. "fill the gap" (in german: Lückentext) should have several features: - to prepare the content - offline use: to print work sheets (without color - work sheets need to be copied) with 2 versions: one for the pupils, the other one with the answers for the teacher - online use: so that children and youngsters can use it on the computer during a lesson or at home (the correct answers must be locked then). So far, eva --------------Boundary-00=_6KBJUJIXXU1PUX33R1U4 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="edutainment.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="edutainment.txt" CiogZW55Y2xvcGVkaWEKbGlrZSBlbmNhcnRhCmlzIHRoZSBkYXRhYmFzZSBvbmxpbmU/CmlzIGtk aWN0IHRoZSBzYW1lPwpvdGhlciBsYW5ndWFnZXM/CgoqIGxhbmd1YWdlIHNvZnR3YXJlCmt2b2MK d2l0aCBwaWN0dXJlcwphbmltYXRpb24KZW1iZWRkZWQgaW4gYSBzdG9yeQp2b2ljZSBiYXNlZAoo aW4gR2VybWFueSBwdXBpbHMgaW4gdGhlIGFnZSBvZiA2LTEwIHdpbGwgbGVhcm4gZW5nbGlzaCBm cm9tIG5leHQgeWVhciBvbiwKYnV0IHdpdGhvdXQgd3JpdGluZywgb25seSBiYXNlZCBvbiB0YWxr aW5nKQoKZ3JhbW1hciB0cmFpbmluZwoiZmlsbCBpbiB0aGUgZ2FwIiBwcm9ncmFtIC0+IHRvIG1h a2Ugd29yayBzaGVldHMgZm9yIHRlYWNoZXJzIGFuZCBvbmxpbmUgZXhlcmNpc2VzIGZvciBjaGls ZHJlbgoKc3BlbGwgdHJhaW5pbmcgLT4gYWxhICJkaWRhY3RhIgoKdHJlYXN1cnkgb2Ygd29yZHM6 IGxlYXJuaW5nIG9mIHNpbWlsYXIgd29yZHMKCgoqIGFwcHMgYmFzZWQgb24gZ29vZCBUViBwcm9n cmFtcyBmb3Iga2lkcwotIHNlc2FtZXN0cmVldAotIGluIEdlcm1hbnk6IEz2d2VuemFobiwgRGll IFNlbmR1bmcgbWl0IGRlciBNYXVzCgoqIGxpdHRsZSBnYW1lcwoKKiBzY2hvb2wgbGVzc29uIHdp emFyZApsaWtlIGEgc2Nob29sIGJvb2sgaW4gbXVsdGltZWRpYQp5b3UgY2FuIGFkZCBmaWxtcywg cGljdHVyZXMsIHRleHQKdXNlIG9mIGtwYXJ0czogbm9hdHVuLCBrd29yZCwgcGl4aWUsIC4uLgot PiBhbGEgIm1lZGlhdG9yIgoKKiBkYXRhYmFzZXMgZm9yIGtub3dsZWRnZSBhYm91dCBoaXN0b3J5 LCBiaW9sb2d5LCAuLi4uCmFwcHMgYmFzZWQgb24gZXhjaGFuZ2FibGUgZGF0YWJhc2VzLCBzbyB0 aGF0IHVzZXJzL3RlYWNoZXJzIGNhbiBzaGFyZSB0aGUgZGF0YWJhc2VzCgoqIGtlZHVjYQpkYXRh YmFzZSBpcyBtaXNzaW5nCmhlbHBzIHRoZSBjaGlsZCB0byByZXZpc2UgYSBzdWJqZWN0CgoqIG1h dGgKeW91bmc6CmNoaWxkcmVuIGdldCB0YXNrcyBsaWtlICI0Kzc9IiBhbmQgaWYgaXQncyByaWdo dCB0aGV5IHNlZSBhIG5pY2UgYW5pbWF0aW9uCgoxMC0xNDoKc2VxdWVuY2VzLCBhbGdlYnJhLCBw ZXJpbWV0ZXJzLCBhcmVhcwpmaXJzdDogZXhwbGFpbiBob3cgdG8gZG8gc29tZXRoaW5nCnRoZW46 IHRhc2tzIHRvIHNvbHZlCgoqIHByaW50aW5nIGdyZWV0aW5nIGNhcmRzCgoKCgo= --------------Boundary-00=_6KBJUJIXXU1PUX33R1U4--