* enyclopedia like encarta is the database online? is kdict the same? other languages? * language software kvoc with pictures animation embedded in a story voice based (in Germany pupils in the age of 6-10 will learn english from next year on, but without writing, only based on talking) grammar training "fill in the gap" program -> to make work sheets for teachers and online exercises for children spell training -> ala "didacta" treasury of words: learning of similar words * apps based on good TV programs for kids - sesamestreet - in Germany: Löwenzahn, Die Sendung mit der Maus * little games * school lesson wizard like a school book in multimedia you can add films, pictures, text use of kparts: noatun, kword, pixie, ... -> ala "mediator" * databases for knowledge about history, biology, .... apps based on exchangable databases, so that users/teachers can share the databases * keduca database is missing helps the child to revise a subject * math young: children get tasks like "4+7=" and if it's right they see a nice animation 10-14: sequences, algebra, perimeters, areas first: explain how to do something then: tasks to solve * printing greeting cards