On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 12:59 AM, Alexander Semke <Alexander.Semke@web.de> wrote:
> Here is the back trace : http://pastebin.com/Zh4dkRiV
This crash is because of the qtplugin-related lines in worksheet/interfaces.h
and worksheet/StandardCurveSymbolFactory.cpp you commented out. We need to
solve this problem. I'd like to redesign the symbols handling and to get rid
of this plugin and factory stuff involved there. But this will take some
Ok, I will also try to port it to Qt5 if possible and then later on may be we can remove it as we have to eventually remove this plugin. But i am right now working on my gsoc proposal so I may also take some time to look into this.

Garvit Khatri