-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Le Monday 03 February 2003 13:07, Philippe FREMY a écrit: > > From: Tim Jansen [mailto:ml@tjansen.de] > > > > My last, remaining problem is that I havent found a command > > line tool for recording. The requirements are: > > - must take a OSS source (there is no ALSA driver for my USB headset) > > - must be able to specify the OSS device (because I have > > several OSS devices) > > - must be able to stream the sound into a wavfile while it is > > recording > > - should be able to write the data to STDOUT (even though a > > fifo solution may be possible as well) > > > > I haven't found a tool that fulfills all these requirements. > > As soon as I have, I can record with live-audio... > > Hi Tim, > > When you have found that, could you summerize all this in nice a howto ? > That way, we could link to it from the kde-promo site (or include it > directly), and help people produce nice video of KDE usage. We would then > be able to distribute the task of making promotions video to many people > (besides, it is really fun). > > I think this has the potential to become a killer promotion tool. Imagine, > instead of saying Konqueror has this and this feature in CVS, you could > just demonstrate it in a video, like Apple did for Safari. > > It could also be a tool for usability studies. Recording usability studies > with this tool allow to replay them later and to see what the user is > doing. Hi Tim, I think thas such a document could be of interest to KDE end-users too, not only to KDE promoter. If you come out with such a nice howto, could you please communicate it to the KDE documentation team (kde-doc-english@kde.org) as well ? They could integrate it somewhere as part of the KDE documentation, for example into the FAQ or into the User's Guide. - -- According to a recent survey, 82% of the citizens of the European Union are against American planned invasion of Irak. (EOS Gallup Europe, 15,080 people aged 15+, 21st to 27th January 2003) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE+Qh5AfYJTRPWp6rkRArAyAJ9iaJa8Oe0pHo/8V73N863+ppXTRgCfdzJ5 qps18EGqRiHJ5QmXt9KijKQ= =6bxl -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- _______________________________________________ kde-doc-english mailing list kde-doc-english@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-doc-english