Most of the algorithms that TeX uses are pretty simple and they are well documented in Donald E. Knuth's (DEK's) TeXbook. Actually, most people like to believe there's a lot hard-to-understand magic going on in TeX. For all of you not fortunate enough to have a copy of TeXbook, here's a short run-down of topic-important TeX's features, all of which can be quite easily implemented in Koffice and other apps by inheriting and tweaking with Qt 3 rich text control. These are really *simple* techniques that are *well documented* by DEK. Actually I think that it's their simplicity, elegance and good output that makes people believe that they must be complicated. 1. Whole paragraph typesetting on a low level - tries different reneditions of same paragraph, and chooses the best one. I imagine that typical `handmade' rich-text renedition is done in per-line mode. 2. Multipage typesetting of already-typeset paragraphs. Tries different reneditions of placing paragraphs on pages and splitting them between the pages, and chooses the best one. 3. Usage of *decent* coordinate units. TeX uses sp's (scaled points, there are 65536 sp in 1pt, 72.27pt in 1in, and 25.4mm in 1in) that are in nanometer range (about 5*10E-9 m). That means that there are about 100sp's per one wavelength of visible light, meaning that by joining black and white-filled boxes in TeX you can design diffraction gratings ;-). Koffice currently uses 600dpi resolution (4*10E-5m). 4. Integer arithmetics is used to work on coordinate units. Those arithmetic functions are designed to be portable, and their rounding errors are controlled so that they yield same results independently on what CPU you execute them, as long as the CPU and the whole system act up to their specifications (not failing due to overclocking / overheating). 5. Effective yet simple hyphenation done using hyphenation tries. You can read more about tries (they are data structures) in Knuth's TAOCP (The Art of Computer Programming). 6. Using of abstract, cachable representation of fonts. TeX works with glyph bounding boxes, ie. it doesn't need to `see' the outline of the glyphs it uses until it's time to render them. It completely detaches the typesetting from any hardware, be it printer or screen display. 7. Glyph outline sizes are represented in sp's and stay fixed for a given font. That means that if the text was set in an ult1mo foundry face that nearly everybody has got on their *nix machines, all the breaks (line- and page-) are same independently of architecture - CPU, screen dpi, printer dpi, blahblah. 8. The renderer is the only place to use the glyph shapes (outlines). The renderer itself doesn't need to know anything else but glyph shapes and their positioning, together with any bitmaps and vector images on the page. 9. Again, (3) and (6) mean that how the page is typeset doesn't depend *at all* on what output devices are used. That's what typography is meant to be. I should mention that neither koffice nor ms-office has that kind of device independency. Koffice is a little closer to it though, because it nowadays uses 600dpi for glyph placement independently of output device dpi. Try printing your text at 600, 300 and 150 dpi devices in ms-office - you'll likely vreak havoc in linebreaks etc. In TeX, nothing changes, because when the time comes to do rendering, all glyphs are pre-placed. 10. Most of the kde-related font problems, and how ugly the koffice output looks, is related to the fact that Qt really *needs* to have access to scalable fonts that you use. Many (too many) distributions are using xfs (X font server) as the only font source on their X-windows installations. Xfs doesn't provide any physical access to the fonts and their real (as opposed to device-dependent) glyph sizes. I'm writing a FAQ how to remedy this situation on typical distributions like RedHat without possibly recompiling the X server. I'm also writing a Qt utility to fix those font problems automatically, providing a capable-enough xserver is present. I would like hereby to declare what I wish for all kde-developers to understand: good looking text in kde and Qt applications is just a matter of positive thinking, a little work, and not considering magic what isn't magic at all. I should also emphasize that at least RedHat, since their 6.x release, is constantly breaking the printed output of Qt applications, for reasons beyond my comprehension, and that they know how to fix it, but they think they have more important stuff to do instead. Ugh, poor world we live in. Eh, and I should also emphasize that there's nothing wrong per se with Qt/KDE font rendering accuracy. It's at least as good (or as bad) as it is on windows. That most people have their machines heavily misconfigured (by virtue of distro-makes, mostly), is the sad truth that adds to false belief that Qt/KDE is font-broken... It isn't, but down-to-earth users don't have time nor incentive to delve in those issues and fix them themselves... Eh2, and yes, a little Qt-tweaking is in order for it to use sp's in font rendering ;-) Cheerz, Kuba >> Visit to unsubscribe <<