On Sat, Aug 04, 2001 at 10:19:07AM -0400, David Sweet wrote: > I started working on the KIOSlave code to implement an scp:// protocol. The > goal is to be able to do secure file management on a remote machine (to > replace ftp:// in my normal use). > > I use ssh and standard shell commands (ls, cat, chmod for example) to get the > information needed to implement methods like stat(), listDir(), get(), > chmod(), and so on and it's working well so far. Unfortunately, because of > work and other projects I just don't have the time to finish kio_scp. Is this kio slave still desired now that there is a working kio_sftp in kdenonbeta? -- Rob Kaper | Realize what happened to the dotcom industry before even cap@capsi.com | thinking about implementing any dotnet technology. www.capsi.com | >> Visit http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<