I started working on the KIOSlave code to implement an scp:// protocol. The goal is to be able to do secure file management on a remote machine (to replace ftp:// in my normal use). I use ssh and standard shell commands (ls, cat, chmod for example) to get the information needed to implement methods like stat(), listDir(), get(), chmod(), and so on and it's working well so far. Unfortunately, because of work and other projects I just don't have the time to finish kio_scp. If you're is looking for a project and would like to continue development of kio_scp, I'd be really happy about it (as might others; see http://dot.kde.org/search?body=scp for example). Information is available at http://www.andamooka.org/~dsweet/NYLUGTalk/kioscp.html and the code is at http://www.andamooka.org/~dsweet/NYLUGTalk/kioscp-0.1.tgz Dave -- Read, annotate, and discuss open source documentation at Andamooka: http://www.andamooka.org >> Visit http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<