-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi! The Debian and Flightgear projects maintain a map of developers, which is quite nice to get an overview of where they are strong and where they lack developers. I mentioned this to a few people on LinuxTag and no-one seemed to object, but no-one seemed to like it enough to maintain it, either. So I'll do it if enough people send me their coordinates in this format: "Full Name" "Nick" # Town, Country male/female anon=y/n latitude: 0=equator, < 0 southern, > 0 nothern hemisphere longitude: 0=Greenwich, < 0 west, > 0 east of it Full Name: Guess what? Nick: nick or "" if you haven't got one Town: Your hometown so that others don't need to search for their coordinates if someone else already did this. Country: countrycode (e.g. de, fr, uk, it,...) Male/female: maybe they get different coloured markers, but only if there are enough women so that it doesn't look embarrasing. Anon: whether you want (n) your name displayed in the high-res picture and maybe have a link to Tink's interview (if avaiilable) or not (y). So my line would look like this: 52.196 8.590 "Marc Mutz" "" # Buende, de m anon=n Tell me what you think. Example: http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~mmutz/kde-developers-640.jpg (39k) Marc - -- Marc Mutz http://marc.mutz.com/ http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~mmutz/ http://EncryptionHOWTO.sourceforge.net/ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE7TKcq3oWD+L2/6DgRAioZAJ4gpE4WeRu2eAmW0o0NswK3ljdLpgCfRG/4 GQ3i6W/Cm6P2Hupj4QzWsGQ= =HHiO -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- >> Visit http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<