I'm not sure if this is an acceptable place to announce such a thing, but it seemed logical. I fired an email off to webmaster@kde.org as instructed a few days ago but haven't heard back. Feel free to yell at me if I'm out of line here. In any case, a few days ago I put the finishing touches on a new CVSup mirror of KDE (see info below). This server was on the mirror list about a year ago and seemed to be quite popular, but was taken offline due to internal company politics. Now that I'm the sole owner of the company, nobody is getting rid of it damnit! :) The server updates its copy of the repository every night at midnight Pacific time (GMT-7/8). Update status information is available at http://mirrors.cyberlifelabs.com. And now for the info: Hostname: kde.cyberlifelabs.com Location: Northern California, USA Contact: Milo Hyson (milo@cyberlifelabs.com) Max Clients: 50 - Milo Hyson CyberLife Labs, LLC >> Visit http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<