Ugh, I am very tired. Can I have a translator to translate what I write into my own language? ;-) That should be: > People can of course still contribute translations, > documentation and bugfixes, and I'll probably set up a CVS independent > of KDE. These contributions are very welcome and important, but other > than minor bugfix contributions they are the *only* contributions made. > Nothing really code-wise. The only real benefit of keeping Pixie in CVS > was the translators and documenters, who do a really good job, but they > don't have to work in KDE CVS. It will still use KDE > documentation and translations format if they still wish to contribute. mosfet wrote: > > Tell that to the release maintainer... and calling me a "5yr old" isn't > really an effective way to convince me to work with you guys anymore, > either ;-) > > People can of course still of course contribute translations, > documentation and bugfixes, and I'll probably set up a CVS independent > of KDE. These contributions are very welcome and important, but other > than minor bugfix contributions they are the *only* contributions made. > Nothing really code-wise. The only real benefit of keeping Pixie in CVS > was the translators and documenters, who do a really good job, but they > don't have to work outside of KDE CVS. It will still use KDE > documentation and translations format if they still wish to contribute. > > I also really wouldn't suggest forking my code and reimporting into CVS. > If developers decide they want to do something else with their > applications and remove it from the KDE packages, and you decide to fork > it and import unofficial and unmaintained versions, your asking for a > lot more problems. Putting applications in CVS without the authors > permission or consent is a bad idea, and it would be better for users > for them to use RPM's of official versions, not a KDE CVS fork. ...snip... >> Visit to unsubscribe <<