From kde-devel Thu Jun 14 00:18:27 2001 From: Mike Pilone Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 00:18:27 +0000 To: kde-devel Subject: KDE PIM Roadmap (Call to action) X-MARC-Message: Hello All, I was recently talking with Greg Stern (of abbrowser conduit fame) about the state of KDE PIM. In our discussions, we started to through around some ideas of redesigning the entire KDE PIM API. I spent a few hours the other day brain storming and writing down my ideas. Most of these ideas are things I have seen as points of concern for the KDE developers. My ideas are far from complete, but I hope to excite the imagination of the current developers. I am aware that some work in this area has already been discussed (relayed to me through Greg), and I am interested in collecting all of those ideas. I will not pretend to have all the answers, but we have to start someplace. Ideally, I would like to write up the roadmap for KDE PIM, to help guide the interested developers in the right direction. If all goes well, this would culminate in a PIM developer gathering in late 2001 (September/November timeframe). With this preassembled roadmap, the meeting can be a codefest, to try out our proposed ideas and quite possibly have a new PIM architecture in place, rather than design meetings and methodology arguments. I think that currently KDE is lagging behind in the PIM area, and I hope to contribute not only ideas and guidance, but as much code as possible! This is no fault of any one person. The current PIM developers are doing an excellent job, and I praise them for their work. If you are interested in this area of KDE, please take a look at my work in progress design overview at I am really interested in feedback from PIM developers, especially those who may have already been working on solutions to problems. I want to pull everything together so the PIM package, and KDE as a whole, can be as strong as possible. Note: To the editors. If you have a slow news day in the near future, I would appreciate an announcement of this. KDE needs to recruite some developers to the PIM package to get it moving even faster. Thanks for your time. Comments, suggestions, and questions are always welcome at -mike -- Mike Pilone Computer Scientist >> Visit to unsubscribe <<