On Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2001 14:13 Stephan Oehlert wrote: Hi, ah, now your original mail arrived... > I want to have a widget in my application to display directories and files > on the harddrive so that files/directories can be dragged and dropped on > the actual project view (another directory view). > I thought KDirOperator or KCombiView could do this for me. But KDirOperator > just shows a progressbar at 0%; documentation says that I have to call > listDirectory() which does not exist (apparantly). fileReader()->listDirectory(), but that was old documentation. Have a look at the current docs. One problem tho: due to binary compatibility issues, those classes do not support DnD out of the box. I can send you some additional classes (from the KBear author) which you can use. > KCombiView just shows a white background with no QSplitter and no files. It's just a view -- QIconView or QListview don't show anything either, you have to fill them. That's what KDirOperator does. Cheers, Carsten Pfeiffer >> Visit http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<