Hi! I just imported a new project into the CVS: kpovmodeler KPovModeler is a modeler for povray scenes for KDE. This program isn't fully functional but useable yet. Only the framework is finished. Current features: - Hierarchical object tree - Scene rendering with OpenGL - Object modification with control points in a graphical view or direct manipulation of object attributes in a dialog - Prototypes (declares) and references - Copy/paste and drag/drop of povray(!) code into and out of the object tree - Undo and redo - Save, load and revert - And everything special I forgot Currenty, there are 27.000 lines of code (inclusive comments), several classes (all documented with kdoc). It is a clear framework so that new povray objects can easily be added. The program makes use of the KParts framework. See http://www.azweb.de/kpovmodeler for screenshots. Now that the framework is finished and the sources are imported into the KDE CVS tree, I am looking for developers to join the project. Send me a email if you are interested. Give the program a try and let me know what you think of it. NOTE: The program reqires the QT OpenGL module. Greetings, Andreas -- --------------------------------------------------------- Andreas Zehender http://www.azweb.de Dipl. Ing. (BA) mailto:az@azweb.de Student an der Uni Ulm >') 8. Semester Informatik ( \ -----------------------------------------------""-------- >> Visit http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<