I just wanted to jump into the discussion on the lists here. Let me make a few points: * A KDE Installer is already underway. It has progressed very far. * I dont want to use Red Carpet. Nor do I want to make a channel for KDE via Red Carpet. * Now that I have heard Red Carpet relies on Gnome libraries and other libs, its not an option. * I have announced the KDE Installer on: the Dot, slashdot, linuxorbit, linuxplanet, linuxtoday, and I even mailed kde-core-devel. Now, what I need is quite simple. It can described and told in one word: HELP. Yes - thats right. After me working on it for months and not having any developer assist me consistantly, its very hard to keep it going. Please keep in mind that I'm a 16 year old White American that has a job, friends, and now takes Drivers Ed. My time is slowly decreasing. Also, my interest is decreasing since some of this stuff is quite difficult and since I've only been programming for 6 months (max) its hard to get a lot of stuff done. I've sang this tune many times already. I've pled for help many times already. It all goes unheard. If you want to help, please do, but I've learned from Lauri that the only true helper is one that helps, meaning that you telling me you want to help doesn't count, ACTUALLY helping me does. Sincerely, Nick Betcher P.S. its in kdenonbeta/kdeinstaller >> Visit http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<