On Fre, 11 Mai 2001, Balaji Ramani wrote: > I have added xinerama support to ksplash and kwin. With this, ksplash > displays in the center of screen 0 (rather than being split between the two > screens). The patch is against CVS as on May 11, 2001. The patch can be > found at http://www.yablibli.com/~balaji/xinerama.patch Excellent! Two small questions: - why do the kwin clients need to link Xinerama ? kwin.la links it already and its not explicitely used in the clients as far as I can see. - Aren't those constant XineramaIsActive(qt_xdisplay()) slow as they cause an additional server around trip ? Would it be possible to save it as a local flag etc in kwin instead ? Dirk >> Visit http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<