I didn't get a response the first time, so I'll ask just once more: The KDE archiver (aka. ark) is currently short a maintainer. I've been doing a lot of the work on it lately, but unfortunately, I may not be able to continue on this much longer. It would put my heart at ease to know somebody will at least keep an eye on the bugs after I am gone, make sure that nothing horrible and destructive creeps into 2.2. Even better, work on features, or (in the distant future) port to KDE 3.0. But I'll take what I can get. Please email me (watch it - my reply-to email is messed) if you are interested. -- Michael Jarrett michaelj@corel.com -- The address in the headers is not the poster's real email address. Do not send private mail to the poster using your mailer's "reply" feature. CC's of mail to mailing lists are OK. Problem reports to "postmaster@umail.corel.com". The poster's email address is "michaelj@corel.com". >> Visit http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<