Hi, Somebody pointed me out that it could be very useful to have some kind of quickprint button because most users won't need the complete print dialog everytime. So I thought a little bit about it, and here are some considerations about the implementation I have so far. I'd like to have external opinions. - Should be implemented as an action (maybe a standard action), but will probably only be used in toolbars. - The action would be named, the name corresponding to the printer where to send print job. By default, the name would be empty, meaning to use user default printer. - From a visual point of view, it would look like a tool button with a delayed popup menu. Simple click would print on the printer whose name corresponds to the "name" of the button (here "name" is of course not the QObject name, but something else). Maintaining the button pressed would show a popup menu with available printers. - The action itself would fire a signal "void print(KPrinter*)", giving a KPrinter object configured as if the print dialog would have been used, so the application should use it as it would do after a "printer->setup(this)" call. - From a performance point of view, everything should be created on demand: the KPrinter object should be created only when the button is first clicked, the printer list should only be retrieved when the popup menu is shown, ...to not slow down the application start-up. Any suggestions ? Would this be useful ? Thanks. Michael. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Goffioul IMEC-DESICS-MIRA e-mail: goffioul@imec.be (Mixed-Signal and RF Applications) Tel: +32/16/28-8510 Kapeldreef, 75 Fax: +32/16/28-1515 3001 HEVERLEE, BELGIUM ------------------------------------------------------------------ >> Visit http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<