Kant Krew: Here's why I like KAuthor. All the names of editors historically have described some technical or trivial aspect of their behaviors. Edit - word based on the idea of cut-n-paste. Don't name an app after one of its menus. Word - short for "Word Processor". MS names their apps after industry jargon to appear Official Text - based on the technical detail that an editor displays lists of code points from a symbol table These all suck. When you use an editor, your >intent< is to Author something. All those other words are side-effects of the way computers currently enable that intent. We must focus on the intent itself. "Author" sounds authoritative. -- Phlip phlip_cpp@my-deja.com ============== http://phlip.webjump.com ============== -- Will code for chocolate. -- >> Visit http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<