Hi, since some minutes ago the audiocd: io-slave can save the ripped audio files in mp3- (using LAME) or Ogg-Vorbis format (using libvorbis). Kudos go to Carsten Duvenhorst . There are additional top-level dirs "MP3" and "Ogg Vorbis", under them the tracks are listed with extension ".mp3" and ".ogg". When copied from there the destination is automatically compressed by one of the methods. If the CD-info was backed by CDDB also Id3V1 tags are created for the mp3 case, and normal tags for vorbis. You can now simply rip the contents of a complete CD from konqui by simply opening the "MP3/" directory selecting all files there, and copy them to another real directory, which is rather cool. (The only thing which must be done, is to give the dest dir a good name, as the mp3 dir has no subdir identifying the CD). The bitrate for mp3 can be selected by an "br=196" (e.g. to set it to 196 KBps) query argument to the URL. For this to work, you need libmp3lame from LAME at least version 3.88 (beta something), or libvorbis (which requires libogg and libao), or both. Those libs must be shared (default for vorbis, but for lame you need --enable-shared). I tried with CVS-version of LAME and the current "released" version (IIRC Beta 4) of vorbis. (look at http://www.mp3dev.org/mp3/ and http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/index.html) The (non)presence and version is automatically detected by configure, so you need nothing special, just install the libs, and reconfigure (they are searched only in /usr/local, /usr and the KDE directories, otherwise you need some --with-bla=path options). Ciao, Michael. >> Visit http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<