From kde-devel Wed Feb 28 07:42:29 2001 From: Derek Fountain Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 07:42:29 +0000 To: kde-devel Subject: Forte for Java incompatibility X-MARC-Message: Has anyone here tried using Sun's Forte For Java IDE under KDE2? I'm running KDE2.1 from CVS branch KDE_2_1_BRANCH and I'm not having much fun. In fact, Kwin and the IDE get along so badly it's almost unusable. The problem is that the IDE has "workspaces", with each workspace consisting of a number of windows (editor, debugger, component viewer, etc). When you switch workspace the current windows iconise and the windows for the new workspace maximise. Or they should - under Kwin only one of the new workspace windows pops up. This means I have to manually maximise the others which is a total pain. The same thing happens if you change desktop - when you go back to the desktop with Forte on it only one window of your workspace is maximised. I tried setting all the windows to sticky. When I changed desktop, then changed back again all the windows were still there. Hooray! BUT - the sticky pin in each one had "popped out", so the next time I did it the old problem came back. I've read of people having similar sorts of problems with other Java programs under KDE2, which may or may not be related. I'm using the IBM 1.3 JVM, if that makes any difference. While I'm at it, has anyone noticed that the transient windows from the astronomy program XEphem don't disappear when you close them? They just sit there, empty, hogging the desktop. I have to keep exiting and restarting XEphem to clear things up. This only happens with the latest XEphem - the previous version works fine, so it might be an XEphem bug. Are these window manager "features", bugs in the apps or bugs in the WM? >> Visit to unsubscribe <<