Sunday 25 February 2001 10:04, Seth Nickell написал: | | The following is my small part in trying to shore up the silly rifts | that have developed between our communities. We (meaning KDE & GNOME & | all free software) have the "higher moral ground" here (free software), | so lets be a model to proprietary software developers, and show them | that if nothing else free software allows us to work together more | cooperatively and effectively. :-) Goodwill towards all hackers, gnome | and kde alike, says I. | Nice to hear! :-) | | The short story: Nautilus 1.0 (the GNOME 1.4+ filemanager) will be | frozen imminently (like early within this upcoming week), and released | fairly soon thereafter. Our application database doesn't have many KDE | applications right now, but we want to support all cool free software. | Therefore, I want to know what should be added to the application list | from the KDE project. I have more general question to you. Are you going (can ?) support , for example, WAV via KDE's Konqueror or Media Player? Like, to setup Nautilus in such way that Konqueror (or KDE's Media Player) is launched when you click on WAV file in Nautilus? In more details: ------------------------ AFAIK Nautilus is File Manager. How you are going to manage HTML files? Will you launch Konqueror for HTML, or...? And more inside: ----------------------------- What happens in Nautilus when you click on Flash (.swf) file? | | I know this is short notice, but only recently did I notice the | deficiencies in the Application/MIME database. I realize KDE doesn't use | a centralized Application database, a decision I actually agree with, AFAIK there is a centralized database. Control Center -> File Browser -> File Associations. And you can add your own or edit existing MIMEtype. | AND, for *each* MIME type (unless it is fairly common such as PNG, BMP, | DOC, XLS, WAV, MPEG, basically anything in /etc/magic) it would be | useful to have as much of the following info as you know/can find | (particularly necessary if this is the application's native format) Do I understand you correctly that you do not want to support in Nautilus at least 3 (three) KDE-native PNG viewers/editors Pressing on RMB on mypic.png gives me: -- Image Viewer -- Pixie Image Management system -- The GIMP -- Icon Editor While GIMP is most likely suported by nautilus, I am wondering about Image Viewer, Pixie and Icon Editor? The same is valid for .jpg, .gif, .bmp, etc. | | MIME type: (e.g. 'video/mpeg') | Description of format: (e.g. 'Microsoft Video') | suffix/extensions: (e.g. '.mpeg', '.mp2', '.vob', etc) | Magic MIME number (way to detect it): (e.g. initial byte offset: 0 | character string: 0x000 0x000 0x001 0x272 (or could be '%PDF' as | another example that doesn't use character codes)) | You may also attach an icon for the mime type if you wish, though I may | not use all icons. | | -Seth (Nautilus/gnome-vfs/tadpole hacker) | -- Vadim Plessky (English) (Russian) Do you have Arial font installed? Just test it! >> Visit to unsubscribe <<