Hi, On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, Bill Soudan wrote: > > The last command never returned... > > > > kbuildsyscoca still has not returned... Any ideas? dcopserver is > > running, but is it running correctly??? From the time dcopserver used (over six minutes) it seems, dcopserver is misbehaving, and the hanging kbuildsycoca would be a result of that. Eric: can you please try to start as before, then kbuildsycoca in the background, and attach to the running dcopserver process using gdb? Command is "gdb " and then providing a backtrace (may be multiple ones, when you continue, break and backtrace again, if they are different), so we can see, where it hangs. Ciao, Michael. >> Visit http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to unsubscribe <<